iWellness Exam
A Higher Level of Health Screening
iWellness OCT
Scans through all of the layers beneath the the retina
This state-of–the-art technology lets Dr. Carpenter see beneath the surface of the retina. Eye diseases often have no outward signs or symptoms. This unique technology helps the doctor detect vision threatening diseases in the very earliest stages, when they are most treatable and usually cannot be detected by any other evaluation. These structures cannot be seen without this scan and thus disease detection will be delayed beyond the early stages.
Retinal Photos
A complete view of important retinal structures
This test provides Dr. Carpenter with a
full image of the central retinal structures (optic nerve, macula,
and blood vessels). There is normal variation in these structures and it is helpful to have a picture for future comparison. In some patients, these images may detect undiagnosed eye disease. Having a reference image allows us to directly compare any future changes more accurately and treat diseases at an earlier stage. Early diagnosis can reduce the risk of visual complications.